Reproductive Biomedicine
1. RIF & RSA: Clinical and Molecular Aspects
o Related disorders
o Embryo culture and quality assessment
o Luteal phase defect: symptoms, causes, and treatment
o Chromosomal abnormalities in gamete and preimplantation embryo
o Personalized embryo transfer and endometrial preparation
2. Fertility Preservation
o Oncofertility: clinical and laboratory aspects
o Social preservation
o Application of stem cell therapies for infertility
3. Third-Party Reproduction
o Gamete and embryo donation
o Surrogacy
o Cytoplasmic transfer
o Ethical and legal issues
4. Single Embryo Transfer; Advantages and Disadvantages
o Patient management
o Multifetal pregnancy reduction and selective termination: benefits and legal analysis
o Psychological reactions and fallow-up
o Artificial intelligence for embryo selection
o Non-invasive approaches to embryo selection
5. Reproductive Genetics
o Inherited gonadal disorders
o Genetic testing in reproductive medicine
6. Metabolic Syndrome and Fertility
o Gestational diabetes
o Obesity
o Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy
7. Infectious Disease
o Covid-19
o Patient management
o Lab strategies for infection monitoring and control
8. Male Infertility: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
o Oxidative stress and sperm function: from basic to clinic
o Genetic aspects
o Cryopreservation benefits in severe oligospermia
9. Endometriosis
o Patient management in ART
o Diagnostic biomarkers
o Diagnostic imaging modalities
10. Reproductive Biotechnology in Animal
o Transgenic animals
o Organ Culture
o Animal disease modelling
Stem Cell
1. Cellular Identity: Early Development and Pluripotency
2. Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine: Hard and Soft Tissues
3. Stem Cell in Cancer Development and Therapy
4. Stem Cell Niche
5. Micro/ Nano Technologies for Stem Cell Research
6. New Technologies for Stem Cell Research
7. Genome Editing in Stem Cell
8. Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine: Road to Clinic and Industry
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